FUNDAMENTALISMS OBSERVED EDITED BY Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby A study conducted by The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Islamic Fundamentalism in South Asia: The Jamaat-i-Islami and the Tablighi Jamaat of South Asia Mumtaz Ahmad
Let Them Eat Cash
By CHRISTOPHER BLATTMANJUNE 29, 2014 A CHINESE millionaire tried to give $300 (and lunch) to homeless men and women in New York last week. This didn’t sit well with the nonprofit New York City Rescue Mission. The Rescue Mission offered to help with lunch, but wouldn’t cooperate in handing out cash. So midway through a […]
US Muslims & US foreign policy
American Muslims, along with many other concerned Americans, are becoming increasingly apprehensive about the foreign as well as domestic policies of the Bush Administration. The muddled and unending war on terrorism, the imminent attack on Iraq, and the undiscerning policy of pre-emptive strike have all exposed the new face of the American empire. Equally disturbing […]