A Miniature Replica of the Muslim World
An interview with Zahid H.Bukhari, Director of the American Muslim Studies program at the Georgetown University, by Rita Rudusa. You have conducted a study of Muslims living in the US[1]. What were your key findings about the distinctive characteristics of an average American Muslim? During the Project MAPS we came up with five characteristics of […]
A Question on Religion in the US Census
The United States Census Bureau produces quality data about almost all aspects of the nation’s people and the economy. One can find in its annual reports personal data on class, race, ethnicity, gender, age, education, profession, occupation, income level, marital status, place of birth and origin of immigrant country. Besides the details of households’ facilities, […]
ACMCU: Bridging the Gap between the Muslim World and the West
Washington DC, the capital of the United States, is also called a city of strangers. Each election cycle brings several thousands newcomers, elected and nominated, to this city. They make policy decisions about the future of the nation during their tenure and then at the beginning of the new cycle the majority of them decide […]
American Mosque in the 21 Century: Identity, Education and Empowerment
Conversation with Leadership March 20, 2008 – 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM – Room ICC-270 POINTS TO PONDER These points are not intended to be complete or comprehensive, nor are they in any order of significance. They are only intended to stimulate thinking and discussion. Mosque and Muslim Identity – at the individual level Mosque […]
American Muslim Poll 2001
Project MAPS: Muslims in American Public Square is presenting the results of the first ever systematic poll of American Muslims. The Poll covers the following four areas: 1) Demographics: gender, generation and ethnicity, U.S. born and immigrants, income and education levels, age and occupation. 2) Religious practices: relationship with the mosque, conversion to Islam, importance […]
American Muslim Poll 2004
Project MAPS: Muslims in American Public Square is presenting the results of the second American Muslims Poll. The first poll was conducted through the Zogby International in the months of November and December 2001. The 2004 Poll covers the following areas: 1) Demographics: gender, generation and ethnicity, U.S. born and immigrants, income and education levels, […]
American Muslims’ Perspectives on the Sept. 11 Tragedy
Thursday, October 18, 2001 Viewpoint, a live discussion forum on washingtonpost.com. This forum offers washingtonpost.com sponsors a platform to discuss issues, new products, company information and other topics. How did American Muslims respond to the tragic events of Sept. 11? What are the challenges facing American Muslims following these events? What will be the nature […]
Blind Men and the Elephant: Media Outlets, Political Pundits and the Pew Study on Muslim Americans
The Pew Research Center has issued an interesting study of Muslim Americans on May 22 and it was reported widely in the American media. The thrust of the Pew study, “Muslim American: Middle Class and mostly Mainstream” is that Muslim Americans are “decidedly American in their outlook, values and attitudes.” It is, however, shocking that […]
Faith, Community, Identity: Muslim’s Search for Religio-Political Space in America
By Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad Professor of Political Science Vice President (Academic Affairs) International Islamic University, Islamabad Mumtazahmad5@hotmail.com “They was all Moslems, Tom said, and when I asked him what a Moslem was, he said it was a person that wasn’t a Presbyterian. So there is plenty of them in Missouri, though I didn’t know it […]
House Testimony on “Significance of Zakah in Islam and Charitable traditions of Muslims in America”
Testimony Before a Joint Hearing of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Non proliferation May 4, 2005, 2:00 PM, 2128 Rayburn House Building Hearing entitled: “Significance of Zakah in Islam and Charitable traditions of Muslims in America” Dr. Zahid H. Bukhari Director, […]